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How to make payments from Western Union to MoMo Wallet

If you are a foreign customer interested in purchasing products from 360Auto but face difficulties in making payments or are unable to use PayPal in your country, you can consider making payments via Western Union, allowing us in Vietnam to receive it through MoMo!

Please follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the Nearest Western Union Agent

Locate the nearest Western Union agent in the country where you are residing. (You can use the official Western Union website or their mobile app to find the agent’s location.)

Step 2: Prepare the Necessary Information

Before going to the agent, please prepare the following information:

Please prepare recipient information according to the details we provide below:

Recipient’s full name: HO QUOC TIEN
(Surname: HO – Name: QUOC TIEN)
MoMo account: 0972963813
Country: VIETNAM

Step 3: Complete the Transaction at the Western Union Agent

  1. Visit the Western Union agent and request to send money to Vietnam through the MoMo wallet.
  2. Provide the recipient’s information (name, phone number) and the amount to be sent.
  3. Submit your identification documents and the amount of money (please note that the sender is responsible for paying any transaction fees if applicable).
  4. The agent will process the transaction and provide you with a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).

Step 4: Notify the 360Auto Support Team

After completing the transaction, you need to inform our supporters of the following information:

Step 5: Wait for Verification and Receive Your VIP Code

After our supporters verify and confirm the receipt of your payment, you will be provided with a VIP code to activate and use our products.


By following these steps, you can easily purchase a VIP code by making transactions internationally via Western Union, allowing us to receive the payments directly through MoMo.

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